Apogee is Franklin College’s student-run literary journal that accepts previously unpublished works in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, drama and visual art. Apogee is an annual publication printed in late spring. Submissions are open during summer and fall.

Volume 62 out now!

Volume 62 contest winners:


Nolan Cook for “Lavender (Prologue)”

Creative Non-Fiction:

Jonah Decker for “Brainrot”


Ellen Durham for “You’ll be better by September”

Visual Arts:

Caleb Crockett for “Gazebo”

Apogee is always a joy to read, and the opportunity for students to publish their writing is invaluable.”

— George Phillips, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English and Chair of English Department

Apogee is central to the artists’ community at Franklin College. In addition to showcasing the creative talent on campus, this student-run magazine also allows staff members to gain professional experience that will translate into a variety of positions in today’s job market.”

— Katie Burpo, M.F.A

Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing

About Apogee at

Franklin College

“Apogee is a 501c3 literary organization that encourages thoughtful exploration of identity at its intersections: race, gender, sexuality, class, and disability status.”

Apogee Journal

The Apogee is a student-led literary journal. We strive to share the talent of our undergraduate students at Franklin College! We publish yearly journals, celebrating creative written and visual work!